Micro-Photoluminescence Spectroscopy


Photoluminescence and time-resolved photoluminescence measurement in the near infrared wavelength (750nm-1600nm) for single nanostructure

·Princeton Instrument spectral 2D IR-CCD (750~1700nm)
·Acton SP2500 Spectrometer with triple gratings
·Excitation: 200mW 532nm CW laser
·Selective wavelength excitation (470nm~2000nm) by NKT super-continuum laser
·PL image function — 50x & 100x Plan Apo NIR objective lens (resolution <1 µm) ·Open-cycle JANIS and Oxford cryostat (4K or 77K) ·PicoHarp 300 TCSPC for time-resolved PL (visible-1650nm)
